Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, How to make an existing frame responsive in Openedge,progress 4gl, How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. What is the default lock? Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? Not the answer you're looking for? Supporting a structure because one knows that it is in wide use doesn't mean that one can't also designate it as deprecated. Searches the directories and libraries defined in the PROPATH environment variable for a file. In find statement u can define no-error but, in can-find u can't. Does a password policy with a restriction of repeated characters increase security? I'm not sure why such an prolific proponent of best practices as yourself would want to coddle miscreants but I suppose that it would be reasonable for PSC to include an option to shut off such warnings. This has long been one of PSC's great strengths and the failure of people to keep moving forward has certainly turned into one of PSC's biggest PITAs. Continue to blog.Data Engineering ServicesAI & ML SolutionsData Analytics ServicesData Modernization Services. Shared lock is the default lock in Progress. I tried to RUN it from Unix (ksh shell), but received a message ksh: run: not found. Boy, you step out of the room for a minute (well, to Greece and back and various other places) and all hell breaks loose. So best programming practice is that whenever use the exclusive-lock also use the no-wait. Normalization is essentially a two step process. It would cause people with some code bases to avoid upgrading and it would break a lot of automated build processes. There should be a number of different examples showing different ways to accomplish a given goal, with a description of each one's strengths and shortcomings. To you and I and a bunch of other people, shared variables are anathema, but there are still a lot of folks out there who think they are perfectly OK after all, it a "traditional Progress programming technique". Would My Planets Blue Sun Kill Earth-Life? What is can-find function? Ans: MRP ignores blanket orders, and receipts cannot be processed against them. In fact, unfortunate as it may be, most Progress. The, compiler should be silent unless there is something, fatal or a good reason to expect that the code will, not perform as intended (like moving colon. As n vn u want recurring = exact qty. Where does the version of Hamapil that is different from the Gemara come from? //An character array with length = 5, DEFINE VARIABLE j AS INTEGER EXTENT NO-UNDO. MESSAGE VALID-HANDLE(whand) VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX INFORMATION BUTTONS OK. But, when moving into new areas, like OO, there is no need to support historical code because there is no historical code. Unique Index - An indexed field where every index key must be different. Progress KB - SESSION:TEMP-DIRECTORY does not change when Windows current directory is changed with Win32 API call But not recommended, and as Rob and Tom have said a resourceful user could work it out. Set - is the combination of Prompt-For + Assign. For what domains is it better? No, only external Procedures will create .r file during execution and can have more than one Internal Procedures. Since they want to incorporate those people, there is a pattern of saying that one can use OO or not use OO, one can use PDS or one can not use PDS, etc. The third line will procude the following error: You can use the INITIAL option on the DEFINE VARIABLE statement to set initial values. 2) We would certainly like to encourage honest feedback and robust debate on this forum. We use the temp table in client server architecture. Will look for the string "shared var" in any case in all *.p files. That this evil may be useful is a separate issue. I wrote a Progress 4GL procedure which is actually a script saved in OS (not in database). Display - is used for take the data from record buffer to screen buffer, means display the data on screen. 1. SYNTAX -- LOOKUP ( expression , list [ , character ] ). Can we use it in the where clause? Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? You can always use operating system utilities like grep. Normalization is a design technique that is widely used as a guide in designing relational databases. If the time does permit, one runs it through ProLint and deals with the report. So anyway I'm guessing that yes, your code should work for ABL clients accessing the DB through the ABL engine, however isn't feasible for clients that only access OE through the SQL engine (which uses Java stored procedures for triggers that are entirely separate from ABL triggers). But, there also should be good guidance in best practices with new features (and what not to use in old features). /* A handle is a handle to anything: a session, an on screen widget etc */ /* A Com-handle is used for ActiveX Com-automation */ DEFINE VARIABLE h AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. Let's assume you want to stuff a frequently used object handle somewhere: - you can walk the object chain all the time, trying to find your instantiated class instance, - or you could check the local new global shared variable, Perhaps we should stop and think about whether or, not the OO kool-aid is really all that it's knocked, up to be. Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? New Global Shared Variable - Defines a variable that can be used by any procedure that names that variable using the DEFINE SHARED VARIABLE statement. In fact, unfortunate as it may be, most Progress users have never even. 4. As it is certain features that are prone to mis-use (such as shared variables, CAN-DO and USE-INDEX) are far too prominently featured in the documentation and, in many cases, are held up as exemplars when they should not be. But, this doesn't seem to be making it out in to the examples. It will change the output destination in a procedure; the output goes to that destination until you close it with the output close statement, or until you name a new output destination. The SEARCH function returns the full pathname of. Progress uses that buffer to store one record at a time from the table as the records are needed during the procedure. So you asked for an example to streamline code: you gave the example yourself "Don't want" is not a requirement I take very seriously. Good practice should be emphasized, and less good practice relegated to the "notes", section or at least given less prominent billing. Brief about LOOKUP function? That does not make it a virtue to guide people toward usage which we now recognize as undesireable. The compiler already throws non-fatal warnings. And the best way to do that is to (a) make it easy for them to do so in the language, and (b) update the docs to point them in that direction. Indicates that the specified block is undone. What is the goal that you are trying to achieve? Share-Lock(default lock, other user can read but not update), Exclusive-lock (other cannot read and update). What's the cheapest way to buy out a sibling's share of our parents house if I have no cash and want to pay less than the appraised value? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The largest Progress unit of execution, consisting of one or more Progress source or r-code statements in a single, outer block. Progress KB - SESSION:TEMP-DIRECTORY does not change when Windows current directory is changed with Win32 API call. Oh, you mean like all of the OERA code examples? A transaction is a unit of work that is either completed as a unit or undone as a unit. What is the use of RECID and ROWID Data type? will include (any day now, we promise, Thomas). Yes, A READKEY statement does not have to be the first statement after the word EDITING. TO execute a DISPALY. PROGRESS gives you the ability to deploy your applications across a wide range of platforms and configurations -- host-based and client/server environments, open and proprietary systems, and character and graphical interfaces -- without changing the application logic. It will commit the data to the database only at the end of the outer repeat block. We have ProLint for telling us things like the use of deprecated features. A transaction is a set of changes to the database, which the system either completes or discards, leaving no modification to the database. This makes it a "fourth generation" programming language. Progress ABL is a strongly typed, late-bound, English-like programming language with growing support for object orientation. "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection, Passing negative parameters to a wolframscript. Example: Entry (3,Progress:RDBMS:MfgPro:Database,:) = MfgPro. Which may be fine if that was carried over to the rest of the book. Actually, looking at this, isn't "sharing" information between procedures generally something to be avoided except when passing values through a set of well-defined APIs - which is actually what the next sentence states: Alternatively, a procedure can define public internal procedures or user-defined functions to allow controlled access to its data. And, there is an opportunity to provide guidance toward good usage. How to define a shared lock in for each block? In other environments you can tell the compiler to suppress certain warnings. "Traditional" ways of doing things need to be replaced when better ways of, And the best way to do that is to (a) make it easy for them to do so in the. That policy has its cost, of course, and I'm not sure that it has entirely fulfilled its purpose, as witness the large number of sites (vast majority?) Because they're an insidious cancer in an application's development that should be replaced by other, newer and safer methods of sharing information between procedures, rather than being touted as a plausible option for an unwitting developer to use. I.e., even if you aren't tackling best practices and I'm not sure that you aren't, really, in that book the focus should be on understanding what goes on with shared variables, why they are problematic, and what more modern techniques are desirable to use instead. If you do not specify the UNDO option, then the current transaction is committed when the QUIT statement is executed. A few personal snips here and few loose words there can not only degenerate the discussion but it can discourage others from joining in and offering their thoughts and we would like to hear from everybody in the community. Please start with the problem, not the proposed solution. ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? language, and (b) update the docs to point them in that direction. This is a great discussion. I know that PSC feels it necessary to "comfort" people who are used to procedural code that it is still a valid paradigm, but that doesn't mean that every verb or modifier needs to be called good. This technique can be used to pass parameters to a Progress application that needs to behave differently based on some few parameters, or batch programs that needs parameters. - ERS 1016 -, I almost suggested that! The function returns TRUE if the specified user ID has access according to the list. It can be created, stored and compiled separately from all other procedures as an operating system file. A Block is a series of 4GL statements grouped together and treated as a single unit. an SP or singleton object designed to provide such values and, simply retrieve it as necessary. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. (3260). What will you write in the CIM program to specify F1, F4 key, Enter and for Default option? If the calling procedure runs the current (called) procedure as an asynchronous remote procedure, the value is returned to the corresponding INPUT parameter of the event procedure specified to handle the PROCEDURE COMPLETE event for the current procedure. 6. To be sure, there are lots of us out here with legacy apps filled with shared variables. I agree with you that it is an important goal, but I also recognize that it is not an easy one. You cannot run an internal procedure with the PERSISTENT option. is there any possibility to find out what variables, global variables, shared variables are defined at a particular point of performing a certain procedure? Continuing the "Shared" thread - why is the "shared" concept being carried forward with new language elements? Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. How to find all the defined variables in Progress-4gl? The underlying record buffer of a field or variable is unaffected. It is the most basic procedure, which can contain a single 4GL statement, many statements, or it can be an empty file. No it s not possible to define the variable in two different formats in two programs. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. So this feedback is very welcome. Static variables do have their uses, albeit in very restricted cases. Some people report it as a critical bug even if we didn't intend to do it! What flags you need to set for the same? If it does then those processes deserve to break. For example, the installation automatically sets the %DLC% environment variable to your OpenEdge installation path. Procedure is the largest Progress unit of execution, consisting of one or more Progress source or r-code statements in a single, outer block. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! However, they should be labled as such and pointers provided to current languange elements and techniques that should be followed. It's a nice check off on the marketing side though. In update statement it will display the previous value on screen buffer and ask to user to overwrite the new value which is to be updated, means data will move to from screen buffer to record buffer to database. The mis-use is what makes them evil, not their existence. There is a start_date column in my db (format "99/99/9999"(dd/mm/yyyy)) the date when a customer sales order was entered. Here's the problem, i need to create a date range on the variable below. Why would you use PUT instead of DISPALY? Other languages provide equivalent constructs with the "static" keyword for session wide, global variables and "ThreadLocal" or "thread static" variables for thread-scoped variables. Load data through online maintenance programs. BEGINS uses an index wherever possible. So when is the compiler going to start throwing warnings for deprecated features? This is used, as it is faster to upload with all validations. Defined as part of an application and are only in effect for that application. The scope remains only until the RUN statement that executes it completes. To be sure, it should be clear to people that, they can move to the latest release and it, just works. Re-fetch record and modify its lock status. This object allows you to read and modify the current ABL session context. In fact, unfortunate as it may be, most Progress users have never even heard of it. Ans:- Yes, there is a difference. You can always use operating system utilities like grep. And .Net has a nifty feature: the ObsoleteAttribute. In above example if u doesnt mention the NO-WAIT clause and mean while if user1 has gone for some other work/tea, then user2 will hit the database every time to update the record, means progress will not move the next line of code until it will not get the release of exclusive-lock. And, another factor I think is that PSC seems to be very conscious of the fact that there are a lot of people who are not out at the leading edge, especially if they are sitting on million line bodies of existing code. I don't see why you need another tool that uses a different parser when the native Progress compiler has the entire and correct context. You can mark your own methods as "obsolete" which either results in a compiler warning or error. Defines and identifies a variable to be shared by a procedure called directly or indirectly by the current procedure. I'm saying their disadvantages need to be consistently emphasized, not just be stuck in one spot and then that section pointed to as a disclaimer. for first displays data without sorting while find first display data after sorting,So the for first is more efficient in terms of time taken for displaying the record as compared to find first. Data integrity means that Progress stores completed data and does not store incomplete data in the. You can specify "-T c:\temp" in a .pf but not "-T %TEMP%". Static variables also have their uses -- I'm sure that you might find a few here and there in the Progress 4gl/db source code. It is depending on the logic build in the include file. Procedures can use shared variables and other mechanisms to share data between. Example: FOR EACH customer BREAK BY sales-rep BY country: What do you mean by new global shared, new shared variable and Shared Variable? Progress automatically supplies looping services to REPEAT and FOR EACH blocks. DEFINE VARIABLE dt AS DATE INTIAL TODAY NO-UNDO. This will create two cross referencing text files that will look like this: "NEW-SHR-VARIABLE bool" in proc1xref.txt tells you that a shared variable named bool has been created and "ACCESS SHARED bool" tells you that it has been used. The scope remains after the RUN statement executes and it completes until you remove it. Returns the integer key code of the most recent event read from the user (that is, from the keyboard or mouse) during an interaction with a procedure. After half a year, I began understand the intricacies of working with this server and procedures written in ABL. You don't "access" a .pf. They don't want to make people feel like they have to change what they are doing in order to move to the latest release. Why refined oil is cheaper than cold press oil? If we understand that they are evil, then we won't be tempted to misuse them, i.e., to use them when it isn't absolutely necessary if any such conditions exist. After the procedure execution completes the values are deleted. "Why you generally shouldn't use shared variables", which tries to balance the "traditional" (if you'll, pardon the expression) use of shared variables and. This is one place where PSC should not be consistent with other language elements in the ABL. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. //A date variable set to todays date. Ubuntu won't accept my choice of password, Generating points along line with specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS. on how to make old code and new code work together, something which I think is a bit weak in the current, But, there also should be good guidance in best, practices with new features (and what not to use. if data is exist then it returns TRUE otherwise it returns, Q:- What is the diff bet a function and a procedure, Ans:- 1. function can return the value through the return keyword,but procedure can't return the value. There is plenty of room for both solutions. Just joking, but it is something we've considered. Update - is the combination of Display + Prompt-for + Assign. DEFINE VARIABLE a AS CHARACTER EXTENT 5 NO-UNDO. In transaction we maintain the data integrity at database level. Ans:- Transaction is a set code which completely done the program or completely undone the program. I've an old desktop application developed in progress 4gl.There is a frame contained in a progress window now my task is to make the frame responsive ie based on the size of its container window the frame should resize dynamically.Is it possible in Progress any workaround will be appreciated.Thanks openedge progress-4gl Share Improve this question What are the types of frames? Ans:- Argument:- U can pass the argument at compile time. PS: I 'm using a form , so the user can define the range of the month and year. If you need to share buffers among procedures, use the DEFINE SHARED BUFFER statement. put even more strongly, it's because the book was, trying to strike a balance between material for those, who may be maintaining older applications and those, There are a number of places in the book. When you view a frame, that frame and all widgets contained within it are displayed except those widgets whose HIDDEN attributes are set to TRUE. If you don't set all extents the remaining will get the last set value: Using LIKE you can base the definition of you variable on another variable or a field in a database or temp-table. I think that nag messages are a long overdue idea and I hope to see some soon. Updated Apr 12, 2017 By default, the OpenEdge installation program tailors all the necessary OpenEdge and Java environment variables to the directories where they are installed. :-). If there existed a SQL function that would return a special session ID that corresponded to the client's transient connection to the SQL engine, it would be possible to have the client and trigger/stored procedure communicate using a pre-determined table as a request queue (by using the session ID as a key). Progress KB - How to change the current working directory of a 4GL session on Windows? It's true that certain vendors got (very) carried away with them 20 years ago and set some horrible examples that live on to this day inspiring bad programmers to be even worse but doesn't mean that they should be reviled in quite the same way that USE-INDEX and CAN-DO deserve to be. We can use a release statement to release table before the end of the block. DELETE WIDGET whand. What is a trigger and what are the different types of triggers? Individual positions i the array is accessed using "standard" c-style brackets. If an error is encountered during the execution of the loop, it will help to come out of the loop by setting Batchrun parameter to Yes. It is easy to be dismissive but it would be more useful to be clear about what exceptions or qualifications you are making. What is the definition of shared variable? progress-4gl Tutorial => Variables Variables Fastest Entity Framework Extensions Bulk Insert Bulk Delete Bulk Update Bulk Merge Introduction # Progress ABL is statically typed. Is it possible to give different formats to the variables while defining using shared and new shared statements?

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